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VOAR Coaching Program

The VOAR takes goal setting and accomplishment to the next level for you or your team. Let’s begin the journey.

  • How do we get started?
    • Once you sign up you’ll receive a brief written training program with a combination of videos to watch outlining the VOAR program.
    • We’ll guide you to getting started with the “first draft” of your VOAR before you begin coaching, this ensures you get the most from the one-on-one attention
    • We’ll meet every two to three weeks to ensure you have time to make real progress and get the feedback you need.
    • We’ll answer questions and provide feedback along the way, whenever you need additional guidance or support. You don’t have to wait for your next coaching session to get a question answered.
    • We’re flexible on coaching times and arrangements.
  • You should plan 1 coaching session every 2-3 weeks and ensure that all sessions are complete within 6 months.